Demixer.com separates and removes vocals from songs and extracts instrumental backing tracks suitable for karaoke and other purposes. It also removes drums and bass from songs and you can use our online multi-track mixer to remix your tracks on the fly. To get started just upload a track on our homepage to get a free demixed clip of your song.
You can upload any track in WAV, MP3, M4A, WMA, AIF, FLAC or OGG format and download your demixed tracks in WAV, MP3, M4A or FLAC
You buy credit bundles for a set number of songs. You can then use one credit for each song/track you want to demix.
Demixer.com is powered by the technology behind AudioSourceRE’s range of Demix Pro & Essentials Products. Based on almost two decades of research and development, our sophisticated cloud-powered AI uses innovative audio separation algorithms to separate music tracks into vocals, drums, bass, and instrumental stems.
Your file size doesn't matter. Our file limitations are based around time with the minimum being 45 seconds and a maximum length allowable of 420 seconds (or 7 minutes)
Demixer.com is an audio processing service and doesn't store or distribute any content. Uploaded tracks and stems are available only for those users who have uploaded them. As a user of the service, we assume that you own the copyright of your audio. Hence, you are solely and fully responsible for the usage and distribution of all uploaded audio, stems, and “end-result” audio files created by you. See our Terms & Conditions of use here.
You can contact us by using the contact form which can be found on the menu. AudioSourceRE will use the information you provide to us to contact you about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from any of these communications at any time
Demixer.com's algorithms are the most advanced and innovative AI driven technology available and are being constantly developed and enhanced. They work differently for every genre and every song. Also, the quality of the stems created can be affected by many elements such as your upload format, the original audio quality, and how busy the original mix and arrangement is in your track. Upload your track to get a free demixed clip firstly to make sure that the quality is satisfactory before buying credits to get the full version.

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